Traveling by boat between the Canary Islands

Discover how the boat trips between the Canary Islands work.

Traveling by boat between the Canary Islands

Travel by boat in the Canary Islands:

If you’re staying in the Canary Islands and you wish to see other islands, this is the most economic way of doing it. You might travel from one island to the other without any problem as there are several nautic companies dedicated to people’s transport.

The duration of this trip depends on which island you are and where do you want to go as, for an example, from Lanzarote to Fuerteventura you’ll only take from 30 minutes to one hour.

It’s also possible to take a car (owned or rented), for an accessible price (a little bit more than a single passenger).

Prices to travel by boat on the Canary Islands:

The boat trips’ prices might depend on the journey. for example:

Lanzarote - Fuerteventura: around 20€.

Gran Canaria - Tenerife: 25€

You might buy these tickets on-line on the following web-page:

List of the most used/recommended means of transport:

  • Means of transport to travel inside an island:
  • Flights
  • Ferry
  • How I can go from one island to another?
  • Boat
  • Plane

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