Taxis in the Canary Islands

Discover how the taxi service works in the Canary Islands.

Taxis in the Canary Islands

The taxi service is one of the most common means of transport in the Canary Islands being, at the same time, one of the quickest and safe ways of reaching your destination.

It’s very easy to find a taxi as they’re usually everywhere and available on any island.

To request a taxi you only need to approach it and confirm the sign saying “libre” (free) or “ocupado” (busy). If you can’t find one, or you’re in a hurry, you might call the taxi central number.

Prices and Taxi fares in the Canary Islands

Once you’re inside the vehicle the price will start at 2,15€ approximately. When you reach your destination, if you’re satisfied with the service you might tip the driver.

List of the most used/recommended means of transport:

  • Means of transport to travel inside an island:
  • Flights
  • Ferry
  • How I can go from one island to another?
  • Boat
  • Plane

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